Marinated Skirt Steak

Skirt steak? What the hell is that you say!…..well let me tell you. But first I will show you where on our hoofed friends it comes from….. CowSkirt SteakIt is an extremely flavorful cut, especially when marinated, grilled and cooked rare to slightly medium, cutting across the grain to maximize tenderness….Marinades often times take on a medley of flavors that we find pair well together in complimenting the dish. You might say it’s our twist. Our signature. One that we have tweaked over time to perfect, as I think we have done with this particular marinade. It’s a compilation of Asian and Texan influences that work so well together, especially with this particular cut of beef. With red meat marinades, I use a balance of salt, acid and oil, infused with a variety of spices and herbs depending on dish…Prepped Grill

The Big Green Egg is all prepped, recently cleaned of ash, with all air vents clear, sporting a nice glowing bed of hard wood charcoal, air vents tamped down until about 20 minutes or so before I am ready to cook, when I open them to get her to temp.


On the butcher block next to the grill is my platter with the marinating steaks all ready to go……when I am ready. The nice thing about the Egg, as we all know, is that she rises quickly to temp and, with some tweaking of the air vents, can sit until you’re ready. Gone are the days where the coals were glowing red with a little grey ash and you would rush to get the meat on the grill, after all the lighter fluid had burned off, providing about a 25 minute window before the temp would start falling……

Grilling out to me is such a wonderful ritual, for those who truly love it… From pondering over the meat selections, flipping packages back and forth until the right cut is found…..walking up and down spice and condiment aisles, checking to see if there are any new taste sensations you should try, while mulling over and over the various side dishes to pair with your creation, obviously favoring those that require grilling….like lightly oiled and herbed slices of polenta or slices of beets that caramelize over the fire, or a halved radicchio with drizzled balsamic vinaigrette, grilled asparagus, a personal favorite (but not at $4.99 @ lb)!……and on and on……such fun. And when all has been decided and prepped, its the mano y mano time we spend next to the grill with our favored libation on an evening or day where your mind slips into a void, thinking about life, looking at the coals, perhaps talking with your mate or patting your best 4-legged friend’s head who sits loyally next to you, hoping there will be a dropped tidbit at some time during the evening……these are some of the best of moments…..

















  • 2 lbs – Skirt Steak ( 2 -4 ) servings dependent on guests


  • Juice – of 1 Lime
  • 1 Tbs – Minced Garlic
  • 1 Tbs – Chopped Fresh Rosemary
  • 1/2 Cup – EVOO
  • 1/2 Cup – Red Wine
  • 2 Tbs – Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tsp – Grated Fresh Ginger (optional)
  • 1 Tsp – Red Pepper Flake
  • 1 Tbs – Worcestershire Sauce


  • Prepare marinade in advance, mixing well and allowing to sit and meld for a bit.
  • Place steaks in marinade, turning several times over roughly an hour or so.
  • Place steaks on the Egg, cooking direct, without the place setter. The idea here is, as is the case with most meats 2″ or less in thickness, you want sear and cook quickly, 3-4 minutes a side, possibly less, using tip of fork to test tenderness of meat. Note the juices bleeding on top of the steaks…that’s my cue to take them off and let them sit or as we say “rest”…..


cooking with passion and reaching out of the box….



Filed under Beef, Marinade

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